In the last posting on this blog, my Italian friend, Loris, talked
about his trials and tribulations on the road to learning Japanese (see blog
entry 30). Why does anyone go to so much trouble to learn a new
language? For immigrants to another country, the main reason is survival. But for many of
us, the reasons may be less obvious.
I was once asked by a professor to explain why I get so excited when I
try learning a new language. What gets me wired? I started by listing the
languages I had had some contact with and soon discovered that my own
motivations covered a wide range. In my earliest postings I talked about the influence of my parents on my
desire to learn French (see blog entry 1) and, later, the rapport with a special teacher in high school which
started me on the road to tackling German (see blog entry 2). For each language I encounter, it
seems like a different fuse is lit, but often the motivating factor comes down to people.
One primary motivation for me to learn a new language
is some form of positive initial contact with someone from a country or region
where the language is spoken. Interacting with a friendly face – often while
partaking of tasty delicacies from
the person’s country (see blog entry 11) – piques my curiosity and soon I am fantasizing about a trip to some far off land.
In my second
year of university, I shared a house with a group of students, including a
young woman, Masako, from Japan . Each day we took turns cooking dinner
and, after several months,
I came to realize that Masako’s meals were the best. Furthermore, not only was
I becoming familiar with her great cooking, but I was also picking up the table manners of the country I would eventually call home. I knew that I would get to Masako’s
homeland – I just didn’t realize how long I would stay!
After arriving
in Japan , I worked for several institutions, including a
national university on the island of Shikoku . There were graduate students from many
parts of the world and one day I arrived at school to find two young Thai men,
Suwat and Somsak, waiting at my
office door. They were
writing their graduate
theses in English and needed the help of a native speaker to make sure that
their complex ideas regarding the world of Economics came across correctly.
What I lacked in Economics background I made up for with my mother tongue
and soon we were conducting weekly sessions in order for them to meet their dissertation deadlines. Working together for two years, we became good
friends, sharing stories over wonderful Thai dishes they prepared and declared weren’t half as delicious as the food “back home”.
That was over twenty years ago and we are still friends. And I swear that their meals were just as
delicious as anything I have had in Bangkok , a place I have
visited many times since our first encounter.
Eventually I
left Shikoku and moved up to the Tokyo area. My jobs included a position at a small
college near the base of Mount Fuji , which had a program for students from Bulgaria . It was there that I taught and learned
a great deal from some
young women from Sofia . Each month we would get together in my home and
prepare a Bulgarian meal with ingredients that I had tracked down especially
for the occasion. Filo dough, feta cheese, grape leaves – all hard to come by in Japan , but a home-cooked dinner was involved
so I found the ingredients! It has been over ten years since my path crossed
those of Emma and Tina but, again, we have remained close
friends. I have visited their homeland many times and still delight in sharing wonderful dishes while reminiscing
over their student days in Japan . And I have learned enough basic Bulgarian to
maneuver on the streets of Sofia . Well, at least I can get to the
nearest ice cream parlor!
I am also in love with Turkey . Once again, my contact was through my
stomach. I visited a Turkish restaurant with my mother in the small city where
she lives on Vancouver
Island and was
immediately charmed by the food and delightful staff. Could all Turks be this
friendly? As it turns out, my answer is a resounding “Yes!”
A few years
later, I met a young Turkish man, Özgür, at a
conference in Thailand . He was outgoing and talked as much as
me – and we seemed to become friends instantly! That was about ten years ago and, and thanks to Özgür, I now count Istanbul – and Turkish cuisine – among my
favorites in the world.
I have
described my connection to four languages via friends and food, but it is not
just my heart and stomach that gets me motivated. My head is also part of the
equation. When visiting a
foreign country, I find it extremely frustrating not to be able to communicate.
Of course I can rely on the generosity of my friends to get around, see the sights and partake
of the local culture. But, being a long-term resident of Japan who speaks Japanese, I know what it is
like to be on the other end.
It’s called “babysitting” and can become quite exhausting. When visitors to Japan arrive and can say a simple “Hello.” or “Thank you.” in Japanese it works wonders. But this is only the first step
to truly communicating.
Phrases like
“How do you say this?” or “Once more, please.” in the local vernacular can go a
long way when you are abroad, and they are not that difficult to pick up. As
for language for specific activities, such as ordering in a restaurant or
bargaining in a marketplace, this is
also finite and not that big a challenge if you set your mind to it. Of course, it requires some studying, ideally a little each day. But if you have the
mindset that when you get
to where you are going everyone
will appreciate your efforts, the reality is
that you will be able to get around on your own and the visit will be much more memorable. I know
because this is what I have been doing for years.
It may sound selfish, but I
have created my language training website,, mainly for my
own language learning pleasure.
I don’t want to waste time memorizing disconnected lists of words or repeating
aloud monotonous grammar tables. I have suffered through too many language
classes based on this approach and do not have the energy for it anymore. I have some idea
of what I want to do when I
head overseas and know what language I will need to help me do it. I just need a little help
getting prepared. This is
the thinking which underlies my website.

In the meantime,
friends and food are not my only reasons to study a new language. I will talk
about some other motivations
in my next blog.
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