Today’s blog entry will go off on a rather different
tangent. Yes, it talks about language learning, but in the unique context of
team teaching. I was recently contacted by a major Japanese publisher of school
texts to write an essay about this topic, which is dear to my heart. Here I
present the unabridged version.
I have lived in Japan for over half of my life and during
many years here have had a wide range of teaching experiences, including
several working with Japanese instructors in junior and senior high schools to
teach English. This arrangement is surprisingly common thanks to team teaching
programs established by the Japanese Ministry of Education (Monkasho). A great
deal of funds have been spent over the years on these programs;
however, the results are mixed. Depending on who you are talking with, you will
hear of amazing or horrible classroom experiences.
Although I am no longer involved directly with team taught
classes for English, I do coordinate programs where I serve as the non-native
instructor in a team-teaching context, most recently Thai. I also conduct
workshops for regional education boards for both foreign and Japanese
instructors who work for the government-sponsored Association for Japanese
Exchange and Teaching (AJET) program. In my discussions
with participants after these workshops, I hear praise and complaints very
similar to those I encountered in my own team-teaching contexts many years ago.
The French have an expression which describes this situation: “Plus ça change,
plus c’est la même chose.” - The more things change, the more they stay the
same. No kidding!
My first team teaching experience took place in 1984, well before the official Ministry of
Education programs were set up. I was one of a very few foreigners living on Shodo Island in Japan ’s Inland Sea area and was approached by two local high schools to work
alongside their teachers in classes. The goal was the same for each school – to
give the island kids a chance to interact with a native English speaker – but my
experience with each school was
radically different.
In the first school, I arrived early on
the first day of class early
to discuss the lesson plan with my teaching partner and confirm who would be
responsible for which components of the lesson. What activities were planned? How would we
interact? Would I be solely responsible for some sections or would we do
everything together? I was excited by the prospects. I had studied Chinese
at university with native and non-native instructors
working together, and knew such
classes could be very productive and
motivating (see blog entry 21). In my case, it was exciting to speak
with a native Mandarin speaker and really communicate. On the other hand, I was
impressed by my non-native instructor who inspired me. He was clearly
comfortable working with a native and gave me the confidence to persevere. If
he could learn Chinese, so could I!
The teacher I was to work with
at the first school, Mr. F,
didn’t take my phone calls and appeared in the staff room minutes before the class actually
started. When I asked about the lesson plan I was told “Nan de mo ii.” (“Anything is okay.”) then
marched into the classroom and left at the front of the room as my “partner”
walked to the back and sat down. I felt like a curiosity on display. Fortunately, I am energetic and quick
on my feet. I came up with some introductory activities that did not require
handouts or one-on-one interviews with students, a time killer which leaves the
other kids uninvolved and bored. This first class was a big disappointment
for me, but I was determined that
the students would enjoy themselves. I could “fix things” with my teaching partner by the next class. Sadly, the only
thing that changed was my attitude towards the school. I didn’t like working there.
Over the weeks of visiting this school, my attempts to sit
down with the Japanese instructor
and discuss lesson planning were met with resistance. Mr. F was always “busy”
when I asked for some time together, and started each class by walking quickly to the back of the room and
sitting in his chair. Occasionally he would get up and stroll about when
students were asking or answering questions. I understood his purpose when I
suddenly turned from writing on the board and caught him hitting a
student on the back of the head for making an error! How did he expect his
students to try if he hit them when they made mistakes? After class, I told the man
that, if I caught him hitting a student again, I would not return to the
school. As a result, he never left his chair at the back of the room and we
were both miserable.

I left Shodo
to continue my education in the UK ,
returning to a Community Program Supervisor’s position at the Language
Institute of Japan (LIOJ) in Odawara. By coincidence, LIOJ had just received a
contract with a local high school and I was asked to set up the program using
the four community teachers on staff, including myself. I was very excited by
the possibilities and encouraged the LIOJ teachers by telling them how
wonderful team teaching could be, while providing clear, structured training.
Our group worked closely with the teachers in the local school. Everyone knew
what their tasks were and did them well. We ended the year on a high and
frightening note: 40 local education officials came to observe our team taught
classes, as many observers as students! Subsequently, Odawara
City asked us
to expand the program to seven schools, a testament to its success.
Why were
the LIOJ team teaching classes so successful? Clear guidelines were applied to
improve the chances that the working relationship between the local teacher and
visiting LIOJ instructor got off on the right foot. These guidelines included
the following three core principles.
Consultation is critical.
As I
learned on Shodo
Island ,
taking the time to discuss the role of each teacher in the classroom can make
or break the working relationship. Both teachers are under pressure: the local
teacher doesn’t want to look incompetent in front of his or her students, while
the visiting instructor doesn’t want to be treated like a dancing poodle for
entertainment vs. education purposes. A little time spent together preparing outside
of the classroom can make a huge difference. Whether you meet in the staff
room, in a nearby café or simply discuss on the telephone, this consultation
time goes a long way to making your classroom efforts a success. An added
benefit is that you may develop a strong friendship in the process.
Lesson plans equal less stress.
about classroom activities and roles is great; however, your end goal should be
a concrete lesson plan that you are both more or less satisfied with. A good
lesson plan is designed like a stage script with clear activities, estimated
time required, and assignment of “roles”. In other words, who does what and how
long will it take. In the beginning, there will be miscalculations and things
might be a little messy; however, with time and patience both teachers should
become more adept at recognizing what works well in their team taught classes.
A lesson plan reassures both teachers and makes for productive discussion,
particularly afterwards when you discuss how things went and what to do
differently next time.
Attitude saves the day.
In the end,
all the discussion and lesson-planning in the world is worthless unless both
teachers respect each other’s efforts. Each teacher has his or her particular
strengths. The local teacher probably knows the class better and can help
identify which students are likely to provide the best model at the start of an
activity, while the visiting teacher can add an energizing element to what
would otherwise be a repetitive routine. Identify each person’s strengths and
design the lesson plan around them. Maintain a flexible attitude. If an
activity is not going as planned, don’t step in and take over. Discuss the
situation with your teaching partner and make adjustments. Students are not stupid.
If they see that their teachers are working well together to provide a
productive lesson, they will respond with respect for both of you. I know this
from my own experience.

If you enjoyed this article, you might be interested in
reading two earlier papers I prepared on team teaching published in the
academic publications Cross Currents and The Language Teacher.
Click these links for access.
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